Orca Dreams
Dreaming, Connecting, Evolving as ONE
Welcome to Orca Dreams
Orca Dreams is a platform that offers coaching, training and education on mindfulness to individuals, groups and institutions (e.g. primary and secondary schools, university settings, businesses, health centers, social service organizations and non-profit organizations) globally, with a special focus on communities in Germany and Turkey.
The offerings are:
- COURSES Meditation courses, MBSR Program: Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, Courses on mindfulness and art, and on women’s health/sexuality
- PROGRAMS for migrants, women, social justice activists, researchers/academics, health care workers, social workers, schools (educators, parents and students: children and youth) and universities, and,
- PRIVATE SESSIONS Reiki and Counseling Sessions

About me
What’s new?
MBSR: Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Program
Intro to MBSR and practicing together
2023 Winter MBSR Programs
Age 51, Executive in Client Support, TurkeyThrough mindfulness practices of the MBSR Program I have new discoveries about myself. Last week I realized that I have a defense mechanism where I shut myself to negative experiences. Since I started the body scan I started taking many concrete actions in my life to relieve my back and neck pain, to ease my stomach and to nourish my soul. In short my life quality is enhanced.
Tuncay Murat
PhD., Age 40, Academic, TurkeyThese classes benefited me in ways I did not even imagine, especially in emotional and mental ways. It also made me feel joyful and energetic. The effects lasted and I also did the practices on my own. The classes increased my life force, created psychological release, made my body more relaxed and flexible. I have been meditating for over 20 years. It is even more joyful and healing to do these practices with others. The Sunday qiqongs with dear Ayşe Dayı’s guidance are wonderful ways to see that others are on similar paths and this is very encouraging. And this happening during the pandemic was priceless.
Age 48, Associate Professor of Early Childhood Education, Northern Cyprus.I prefer to call it my MBSR life because this for me has been more than an education. It became an understanding, and an important step and milestone that makes my life more meaningful, more productive, and helps sensing life in a more mindful way. I believe that, in this healing experience, our teacher Ayse’s high level of humane attitude (in addition to her professional background and experience) played an important role. I am so happy that I have given this gift to myself.
Age 46, Associate Proffesor of Experimental Psychology, TurkeyThe biggest benefit of this MBSR program for me was to practice “to accept whatever is happening as is.” When I focus on my body during breathing, yoga and meditation exercises and can observe and allow whatever is passing through my mind helps me to open a space for myself and to be more tolerant towards myself. To read the stories in the handbook is also very pleasant. Ayse’s gentle and loving attitude is in full harmony with the content of the education.
Age 29, Psychologist and Masters Student in Trauma and Disaster Mental Health Master Program, TurkeyThis MBSR program deepened my understanding of what it means to be in the moment (in the here and now) and to be in acceptance. These were my main needs for joining the program too. During the course, Ayşe’s patient and compassionate reminders on acceptance and mindfulness led me in a natural way to respond respectfully and compassionately to my mental and bodily boundaries. These days I am going through an emotionally difficult period and I realized that when the pain arises I am able to be mindful without planning it. This experience of going through this time without being engulfed in pain but accepting it makes me feel emotionally more mature.
age 43, Professor of Educational Psychology and Mother, GermanyIt was an amazing experience and a complete course! I appreciate the depth of knowledge, clarity and experience Ayse, a committed teacher brings to each session. She takes all efforts to pass on what she has achieved over time for helping others to experience the same. I feel spiritually and emotionally grown over time. Every class she brings new knowledge and new movements that adds to excitement. This course smoothly integrates strength and mindfulness. Qigong movements Ayse taught helped me in getting to know my body. I admire her natural ability to transgress into individual needs and adopt suitable movements. I highly recommend this course for anyone who is interested to liberate mind and body!
age 35, Academic and Teacher, TurkeyI especially liked the warm-up exercises, 6 healing sounds, 8 Brocades, and inner child meditation. Now I realize that all practices benefited me. I felt more energetic and dynamic on the days of class. My mind was clearer as well. When I feel stuck in daily life, I use the breathing exercises.
age 40, Assistant Film Director and Mother, GermanyMy meditation instructor Ayse Dayi, definitely gave me the insight to raise the awareness of how precious the organs of our bodies are. By means of qiqong, I started thanking my body along with the nature, felt the dense connection between two of them; and during the sitting meditations, I recognized the significance of my being through the idea of bodily existence of myself apart from the spiritual one. Overall, both qiqong and sitting meditation help me to calm my body and my mind at the same time. In this sense, I am really grateful to Ayse.
Age 20, Pschology Student, TurkeyMindfulness that came with the MBSR Program has been an incredible experience for me. I realized that I wasn’t really aware of the beautiful moments that passed. I became aware that my mind was always stuck somewhere else. With this program I also started learning what my body wants and how to breath.
42 year old, Teacher and Mother, GermanyI really like the qigong as it offers a welcome break from sitting. I also know next to nothing about it, so I ‘ve enjoyed hearing Ayse explain about seasons, organs, etc. The effects of these courses were confidence and strength building -strength in the sense of mental strength: a sense of humor, levity. Currently for nearly 4 month, I am tending to my four kids on my own. All the frequent micro-crises, the emotions, the demands can get me down. But I learned from Ayse to put on my golden bubble every day which prevents easy-triggering. I think Ayse strikes an excellent balance between talking / explaining and doing / leading. This balance is hard to achieve, so I really value it. Just meeting Ayse is a pleasure in itself. She has a very reassuring, life-affirming way about her which naturally seeps into the class and the meditations. The students at the school in Berlin would be very lucky to have you around! -
age 47, Visiting Researcher, DenmarkAyse is one of the kindest and gentlest persons I have known. When I had an accident and hurt my ankle she helped me in various ways. She brightened my days with her friendly talks and genuine care. After my surgery, Ayse checked on me and sent me Reiki energy every day. At the end of the second week, she gave me numbers to activate with a ritual, every night for a week. On the first night, my leg hurt a lot but that was because of the power of activation. I repeated the activations every night for a week and it gradually worked wonders. She taught me how to talk to my injured leg and how to give energetic care to it. The pain gradually got better and I started to bear weight on it. Ayse was there every step of the way—both as a healer and a friend. I am thankful for her caring personality, beautiful heart and spiritual wisdom.
age 49, Professor, USAThanks to Ayşe’s body scan method, I sleep so much more comfortably at night. She also helped me greatly with her Reiki practice. I had an issue that would wake me up and keep my mind occupied in the early hours of the morning. After two weeks of sleepless nights, I finally started sleeping better and came to have a certain degree of control over my anxiety. She is great!