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January 05, 2024

MBSR: Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Program

Feb 8, 2024 – April 18, 2024 Thursdays, 14:00-17:00 VHS Berlin Mitte, 13347 Berlin, Antonstr. 37, Raum C5 (auf dem Hof) WHAT IS MBSR? MBSR is an 8-week systematic program developed by Jon Kabat Zinn in the late 1970s and applied successfully with individuals and institutional  settings. WHAT HAPPENS IN MBSR? In an MBSR Course, we learn in a joyful, interactive way, supported by a group: What stress is (physiological mechanism of stress) What triggers stress in me When stressed, which thoughts, feelings arise and what do I do auto…


Women’s Circle at VHS-Mitte, Berlin
Here is a woman’s circle that we have been holding since Spring 2023. In Fall 2023, we continued the circle with new sisters joining us. In our last circle, we also had a newborn who came with his mamma. They gifted us the energy of children and motherhood. Our aim is to explore collectively our femininity, reconnect to the Sacred Feminine, allow for healing of ancient wounds and honor ourselves, our bodies, our ancestors and the Mother-of-…

Intro to MBSR and practicing together

Free Online Event (Thursday, Jan 26)
WHAT IS MBSR? MBSR: Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Program is a systematic 8-week program established by Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn in the early 70s, and has been found to lead to scientifically proven improvements on wellbeing. The program provides a wonderful foundation to mindfulness practice. It trains the mind to be awake, focused and calm, increases body awareness and provides skillful practical ways to deal with life’s difficulties and enj…

2023 Winter MBSR Programs

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction
As Orca Dreams, we wish you a wonderful new year in pure love, joy, holistic health, and abundance. In the video below, you can see some of the events of 2022. In 2023, we hope to see you as well. 
In our two upcoming MBSR trainings, we will use the nourishing Womb of Winter and the renewal energies of the New Year to recognize and liberate ourselves from the patterns that do no…

Autumn 2022 Trainings

To Enter the New Year Rejevunated & Free
MBSR: Mindfulness based stress reduction program  Autumn is the season to harvest the fruits of our labor of last year and start letting go.. Trees shed their leaves and start pulling all their energy inward. Winter is the time to go fully in, reflect, contemplate, and gather energy for the rebirth in Spring.  In our upcoming trainings, we will use these energies of Autumn and Winter to recognize and let go of the patterns that do not serve …

Upcoming MBSR Courses in FALL 2022

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction
As we are enjoying the wonderful energies of Summer, we invite you to reserve your spots for the upcoming MBSR Courses in Fall, held in person in Berlin, inside and at the parks. You can choose between a morning session and evening session. Evening course at ISI (on Tuesdays) is only for international women in Berlin. Morning course (on Thursdays) at VHS-Mitte is open to all.  MBSR for Migrant Women Evening course starting August 23 This…

March Events

Welcoming Spring in Balance and Renewed Energy
In March, we have multiple events held online and in person, in Berlin and in Istanbul. Please take note. We hope to see you there. Friday, March 11, 2022: Free online workshop for all women, in the honor of the International Women Workers Day. Movement &Deep Relaxation for Women Entrepreneurs. (10:00-12:00 Berlin time) March 18-April 29, 2022: Free online course for all migrant women in Berlin. Joyful Stress Reduction for Women Entr…

Noble Friendship with the Body

A springtime session too nourish peace, healing and hope
Each year is a new beginning. Every day is a new beginning. Every moment is a new beginning. With the energy of the new year, we invite you to a short joyful workshop on beginning anew with our bodies. We will explore how it would be to be noble friends to our bodies, to listen deeply to and care for our bodies?

Re-membering & Honoring my Sacred Feminine

Women’s Healing Circle at VHS-Mitte, Berlin
For ages, women and femininity have been suppressed and mistreated by the patriarchal systems that still dominate most cultures. For some time though we see the whole world and our GAIA -MotherEarth- going through a change, a shift that is bringing back the power to the Sacred Feminine that it deserves while leading to a redefinition of the masculine. Starting on September 11, 2023 and continuing every monday for 8 weeks (10:00 am-12:30 pm)…

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Information according to § 5 TMG:

Orca Dreams: Platform For Mindful Living
Ayse Dayi
Laubacher Strasse 54A,
14197 Berlin,

Telephone: +49 178 317 9494
E-Mail: [email protected]


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